Tricity India Association (TRICIA) has been in existence for more than 50 years. It was started in the mid-1960s. In the second half of the 1970s, TRICIA’s constitution was written and formally adopted. Spring Festival of India celebration is the main event since 2000. This event is organized every year in the month of June at Empire State Plaza convention Center, Albany, NY. Traditional & Bollywood Indian Cultural Program, variety of Indian dishes by different Indian Restaurants from the Capital Region, Indian Jewelry, Clothing, Hena, Business booths etc. are the main attractions of the event. Other TRICIA events include India Republic Day Celebration, International Women’s Day Celebration, Annual Family Picnic & India Independence Day Celebration, Ping Pong and Tennis Tournament, Annual Dinner and other events as available. The Support Group and TYO are associated with TRICIA. TRICIA Constitution was amended in 2016. We invite all Indians and other people interested in Indian culture to become members of TRICIA. Together we will keep the organization alive for future generations.