Regular attendance at school is directly related to student success. Being in school every day is the first step in assuring that your child will get all the necessary educational components to help him/her gain the necessary skills needed to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Every minute counts…every student counts!
The instructional day at the elementary school begins at 8:55 a.m. and runs until 3:15 p.m.
The NRWE Attendance Team will review student attendance each month at our building MTSS (Multi-Tiered Student Support) committee meeting. Our goal is to work with students and families to prevent students from chronic absenteeism, as research supports this as a primary cause of low academic achievement. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent of school days for any reason, excused or unexcused.
The levels of absenteeism as defined by the Attendance Team are as follows:
Level 1 (5 days) - Letter #1 sent home which includes current attendance information.
Level 2 (10 days) - A phone call home and/or home visit along with Letter #2 sent home which includes the current attendance information.
Level 3 (15 days) - Letter #3 sent home. Parent/guardian contacted for a meeting with a member of the Attendance Team to develop an Attendance Action Plan. Action Plan uploaded in School Tool / student management system. *Home visit may occur at this step if the parent/guardian cannot meet.
Level 4 (20 days) - Letter #4 sent home which contains a current number of absences and a request for a parent meeting with the MTSS committee (including the Attendance Team) to review attendance guidelines and revisit and revise the attendance plan as needed. *Potential home visit if parent/guardian cannot meet.
Level 5 (25+ days) - Possible submission of referral to county agencies (FACT, PINS, CPS) for assistance.
If you are in need of any help with attendance support, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.