End User Certification for Exported Goods
Online End User Certification (EUC) Form. In accordance with United States export laws, it is the policy of Pine Research Instrumentation to verify the end-use, end-user, and intermediate entities for all exported shipments of our products, related technology, and software. We require obtaining a completed End-User/End-User Certificate (EUC) and store the certificate on file, which is necessary to release an exported order for shipment. Contact Pine Research Instrumentation if you have any questions about completing this form. Exported orders will not be processed or shipped until we have received this completed form.
Section I. Please review the text in the following section. (REQUIRED)
As dictated by United States export control law, this End Use Certificate certifies the following regarding the good being imported or exported:
- Will not be imported, re-exported or transferred to be used in the design, development, production, stockpiling, or use of chemical or biological weapons and their precursors.
- Will not be imported, re-exported or transferred to be used in the design, development, production, stockpiling, or use of missiles, rocket systems or unmanned air vehicles of any range or payload. “Rocket systems” include, but are not limited to, ballistic missile systems, space launch vehicles, and sounding rockets. “Unmanned air vehicles” include, but are not limited to, cruise missile systems, target drones and reconnaissance drones.
- Product and/or replicas (“replicas” refers to items produced abroad on physical examination of the item originally exported, matching it in all critical design and performance parameters) thereof will not be used (either directly or indirectly) in sensitive nuclear end-uses, as follows:
- Nuclear explosive activities: Nuclear explosive activities, including research on or development, design, manufacture, construction, testing or maintenance of any nuclear explosive device, or components or subsystems of such a device.
- Unsafeguarded nuclear activities: Activities including research on or development, design, manufacture construction, operation, or maintenance of any nuclear reactor, critical facility, facility for the fabrication of nuclear fuel, facility for the conversion of nuclear material from one chemical form to another, or separate storage installation, where there is no obligation to accept International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards at the relevant facility or installation when it contains any source or special fissionable material (regardless of whether or not it contains such material at the time of export), or where any such obligation is not met.
- Safeguarded and unsafeguarded nuclear activities: Safeguarded and unsafeguarded nuclear fuel cycle activities, including research on or development, design, manufacture, construction, operation or maintenance of any of the following facilities, or components for such facilities for the:
- Facilities for the chemical processing of irradiated special nuclear or source material;
- Facilities for the production of heavy water;
- Facilities for the separation of isotopes of source and special nuclear material; or
- Facilities for the fabrication of nuclear reactor fuel containing plutonium.
- Involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, property, or infrastructure; and
- Appears to be intended:
- to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
- to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
- to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, kidnapping or hostage taking.
End User Certification of Exported Goods
All orders from Pine Research Instrumentation that are destined to be exported for use outside of the United States requires that the parties involved (end-user, intermediate consignee, and ultimate consignee) disclose the parties involved in the transaction. By signing this form, parties acknowledge having read and understood export restrictions and requirements.